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Mendham Borough DPW implements “Winter Wizard Anti Icing Methods”
The Mendham Borough Department of Public Works will be implementing an application called; “Winter Wizard Anti Icing Methods” for this coming 2012-13 winter snow season.
This method utilizes 40 to 50 gallons of a liquid melting agent with 500 lbs. dry rock salt. Applications can begin anywhere from 2 to 24 hours before a storm. The process allows for the application of a pasty type material on the center line of a two lane road which then melts down with the precipitation, forming a liquid brine solution. This type of application also meets the Federal EPA Recognition for “Design for the Environment” friendly roadway deicer. Since considerably less sodium chloride (salt) is needed and applied, less of it eventually finds its way into watersheds and runoff, thereby improving water and environmental quality.
Trucks usually travel 15 to 20 miles per hour and we ask that motorists stay back at least 100 feet from the truck applying the material.
This “Pro-Active vs. Re-Active” approach will also help prevent additional frost and snow from bonding to the roadway surface up to three days after the initial application.