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*** PROTECT - PRESERVE - MAINTAIN *** WRWAC is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting, preserving and maintaining the Whippany River Watershed. The watershed is a vital resource for 16 municipalities in Morris County. WRAC has been working to protect the watershed ofr over 20 years.
FTC website for identity theft
Providing services a survivor of domestic violence, dating abuse and sexual assault needs in one place-counseling, protection, legal and immigration assistance, and more.
Morris County Prosecutor's Office Home Page
Morris County Public Safety Academy
Morris County Sheriff's Office Home Page
Morris County Home Page
New Jersey State Police Home Page
Official Website
NJ Homeland Security and Preparedness Official Website
State of New Jersey Official Website
The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (NJ DHSS) has developed an H1N1 Influenza website with current information for local citizens, schools, businesses, and governments.
The Community of St. John Baptist, founded in England in 1852, is a religious order of women in the Episcopal Church. Since the early 1900's, the sisters have been in Mendham, New Jersey. The community is the home of St. Marguerite's Retreat House. For booking information email: Phone: 973-543-4582
The Sisters of Christian Charity Mallinckrodt Convent was founded in 1926 and is an active catholic apostolic congregation. It is home to over eighty Sisters. Located on the 100 acres of beautiful, scenic convent grounds is the Villa Pauline Retreat and Spiritual Center. An elegant 44-room Georgian house dating back to 1892. The retreat center has 23 bedrooms and a chapel.
Looking for an alternative to a full-day summer camp program? Then you have found the perfect place! Our day starts at 9:00 am and ends at 12:30 pm. It starts the camper's day off right and leaves plenty of time for other summertime activities!
The Morris County Park Commission At-a-Glance •The largest county park system in New Jersey based on acreage •Steward to over 18,000 acres of parkland •Includes 38 facilities: historic sites, golf courses, outdoor educational and recreational facilities, arboreta, conservation areas, 150 miles of trails, and ice skating arena •More than 3.5 million visit our parks each year •Award-winning programs, special events, and activities for all ages •Staff includes 229 full-time, 392 seasonal and part-time employees •Hundreds of volunteers contribute more than 13,000 hours annually
The original 340-acre tract of land known as the Schiff Nature Preserve is located in Mendham Township and Mendham Borough, Morris County, New Jersey. Today, Schiff has grown to encompass 768 acres of land in the Mendhams and Chester, and has four nature preserves under its full or partial management. Much of Schiff's property is contained within the Ralston Historic District, which is listed on both the New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places.
Mendham Area Senior Housing Corporation (MASH) is a 40-unit apartment community providing subsidized rents for qualified tenants. Construction of MASH was made possible through the USDA Rural Development Program funding and land provided by the Borough of Mendham. 1 Heritage Manor Dr., Mendham, NJ 07945 P:973.543.2666 F:973.543.8889 TTY:1.800.852.7899
Mendham Area Senior Transportation (MAST) provides transportation to and from doctor appointments and grocery shopping for Mendhams’ senior and disabled citizens. MAST is jointly funded by the Borough of Mendham and Mendham Township. 1 Heritage Manor Dr., Mendham, NJ 07945 P:973.543.2666
Mendham Seniors Club meets at the Garabrant Center at 4 Wilson St on the second and fourth Monday of the month. Please join us as our guest for speakers, luncheons, trips and activities. For details and upcoming activities, contact Mary Dangler Cillo at 201-400-7222 or
- strives to serve as the informational resource for assisted living in the United States. We list information on over 36,400 state-licensed assisted living facilities and try to explain the rules and regulations of each state. We try to offer as much useful information as possible to help you decide if assisted living is a good option, and if so, to select the best facility possible
The Mendham Business Association works to promote business in Mendham and to also make Mendham a great place to shop. The Association sponsors several traditional events during the year aimed at promoting local businesses while also benefiting the community. * The Annual Golf Outing which raises annual scholarship money awarded by the MBA to local high school seniors * Spring Townwide Sidewalk/Garage Sales * Christmas Holly Trail with free family Santa Pictures *
The Mendham Cemetery Association maintains the Borough's historic Hilltop Cemetery which dates back to 1788. The Cemetery is Non-denominational as well as Catholic Church Consecrated Grounds cemetery.
The Mendham Garden Club founded in 1932 maintains from spring to fall the beautiful Phoenix House Historic Garden and the "Welcome to Mendham" Entrance Garden at the intersection of Cold Hill Road and Main Street. The club is a volunteer "working" gardening club. It has continuously cared for the Phoenix House Historic Garden since 1932. New volunteers are always welcome!
The Pastime Club, a non-profit organization, was founded on June 22, 1915. The founding members, believing that some of the life’s best lessons could be learned through participation in athletics, adopted the motto: “Progress in Sports.” As a civic and fraternal organization, the club’s mission is to promote youth athletics within the local community. The Pastime Club is a volunteer organization, with a proud history of serving Mendham and surrounding communities.
Founded in 1972, the centennial of the first Arbor Day observance in the 19th century, the Foundation has grown to become the largest nonprofit membership organization dedicated to planting trees, with over one million members, supporters, and valued partners.
The International Society of Arboriculture is a worldwide professional organization dedicated to fostering a greater appreciation for trees and to promoting research, technology, and the professional practice of arboriculture.
The New Jersey Community Forestry program ensures more livable communities through the care and management of trees.