Bowers Building
6 West Main Street
Mendham, NJ   07945
Rob Rosendale, Zoning Official
973-543-7152 ext. 21
                Zoning Map     Street & House Number Map 


  • Zoning Compliance Review & Permit Application 
    • New Business, Change of Use & Construction
      • Zoning compliance review is required for new businesses or a change of use.
      • Zoning compliance review is generally required for work in and around your property.
      • Always check with Zoning before planning or starting any project.
      • Do not spend a lot of money with a design professional until you know for sure that the project complies with Mendham Borough Zoning Code. 
      • The Code does change, what was permitted in the past may be prohibited or different now.
      • A Zoning Compliance Review & Permit is rquired for all UCC Construction Permit Applications. 
    • Pools
      • Pools, including decks, patios, filters, heaters, pumps, et al rquire zoning compliance review.
      • Must meet the zoning lot coverage and setback requirements. 
      • All pools require a seperate UCC Construction  Permit.
    • Garden Sheds
      • Require zoning compliance reivew, even if the size does not require a construction permit.
      • Most require a UCC Construction Permit. 
      • All sheds must meet height and setback restrictions. 
    • Patios & Walkways
      • Require zoning compliance reivew.
    • Mendham Borough Historic District
      • It is an Overlay District and has special zoning requirements.
      • Additional review is required by the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC.)
    • Setbacks
      • Property lines and other structures vary from one zoning district to another.
      • Always check for the requirements in your property's zoning district.
    • Decks and Additions
      • A Zoning Permit is requried for for decks and additions and must be issued before construction.
    • Fence, Wall, Gate, Entrance Pillars 
      • A Zoning Permit is requried for for fences, walls, gates and entrance pillars and must be issued before construction.
    • Flag Pole 
      • A Zoning Permit is required for all Flagpoles.
      • Height Allowance 20' or 25'
      • Location on property are covered by the zoning code.
    • Within limits, is permitted, and may require a permit. 
    • Applicaitons are processed by the Department of Public Works.
      • The erection of a temporary free-standing sign by businesses/organizations within the Business Zone shall be permitted only under the following terms & conditions:
        1. The sign shall be made of permanent quality material and shall contain professionally drawn lettering.
        2. The sign shall not be larger than 2’ x 3’.
        3. No more than one (1) freestanding sign shall be allowed per lot.
        4. No sign shall cause pedestrian or vehicular obstruction, nor shall be placed in any parking space, traffic aisle, pedestrian walkway or between the street and sidewalk.
        5. A temporary freestanding sign may contain advertisement for more than one business on the same property if said sign complies with all other applicable requirements.
        6. No sign shall direct attention to a business conducted on a property other than that on which the sign is located.
        7. Each temporary sign shall be subject to the issuance to the tenant or property owner of an annual (maximum) permit by the Zoning Official.
        8. The terms and conditions of this subsection are enforced by the Police Department or Code Enforcement Officer of the Borough of Mendham.
        9. Violators shall be subject to a written warning for 1st offense, a fine not to exceed $100 for 2nd offense & maximum fine not to exceed $250 for each subsequent offense.
        10. All illegal signs may be confiscated.
    • Permanent Sign Zoning Permit Application
      • Are allowed by zoning permit only.
      • Types of signs vary in size, depending on the zoning district.
  • Political Signs
    • Do not require permits.
    • They may be placed 30 days prior to Election Day
    • Must be removed 7 days after Election Day.
    • Maximum Size Allowed
      • 2' x 3' ft or 6 sq ft 
    • Improper Identification
      • If there is a concern regarding potential illegal political signs with respect to identification, that is under the sole jurisdiction of New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission ELEC
      • Concerns must be directly voiced to ELEC as they address those matters.
    • Request to Remove Political Signs
      • With respect to campaign signs, one’s first amendment rights preclude the Borough from selecting which signs and locations should be removed. 
      • In the interest of recognizing free speech, the Borough is limited as to the removal of signs except in the interest of public safety, i.e. they obstruct the view for drivers etc.