News & Announcements
Stormwater Letter
Residents and Business Owners,
Several years ago, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection established a Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program for all municipalities within the State. The program is designed to reduce pollutants, protect water quality and satisfy Federal and State requirements. As part of these NJDEP regulations, the Borough enacted several ordinances to control non-point source pollution. Non-point source pollution is the accumulation of various pollutants such as heavy metals, petroleum, organic sediment, animal waste and excessive fertilizers, which are exposed to rain water and washed into our nearby lakes, rivers, and streams. Accordingly, we adopted a number of ordinances to control pet waste disposal, wildlife feeding, solid waste collection, littering and yard waste containerization. We have also passed legislation to prohibit illegal hookups to the storm sewer system. These ordinances are available at
To comply with the Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program, the Borough is systematically retrofitting storm drain inlets to meet State standards and eliminate litter and floatable debris in streams and waterways. All inlets now must have labels that state "No Dumping - Drains to River”. Further efforts include the use of liquid brine to pretreat road surfaces prior to ice or snow storms in order to reduce the amount of grit and salt required.
Commercial property owners should be aware that parking lot resurfacing or paving requires inlet upgrades within the paving area. Please contact the Borough Engineer, Paul Ferriero, for requirements prior to starting any work. He may be reached at 908-879-6209.
Commercial dumpsters and refuse containers must be covered at all times to prevent rainwater from coming into contact with dumpster contents. Rainwater can transport pollutants from the dumpster into our waterways rather than to a landfill. Contact your waste management company to request dumpster/container lids.
The stormwater newsletter provides information and solutions to stormwater pollution that each of us can do every day to protect our water. Additional copies of the newsletter are available online at
Visit and for more information on keeping the Earth and New Jersey’s waterways clean. Topics include composting leaves, minimizing grass clippings and developing a home composting program.
I thank you for your help to protect our environment and keep the Borough of Mendham a desirable place to live, work and raise a family.