News & Announcements
Mountain Valley Park Dam Rehabilitation and Lake Dredging
DATE: September 21, 2017
SUBJECT: Mountain Valley Park Dam Rehabilitation and Lake Dredging
Dear Resident:
Please be advised that mobilization will begin for the above referenced project on or about September 25, 2017 and construction work will begin on or about October 2, 2017, weather permitting. The project involves armoring the embankment dam, stabilizing the stream channel, repairing the concrete spillway, replacing sidewalk, and dredging the lake. The lake will be fully drained and may be in a lowered state for several months. The lake lowering is anticipated to begin on October 9, 2017 and the lake refilling is expected to start before the end of the year.
A survey crew may be onsite to install construction stakes for the improvements in advance of the contractors work. Most of the stakes that will be installed indicate offsets not the actual location of construction.
Please be advised that one lane of Mountain Avenue may be temporarily closed during the construction period. The parking area for the park will be closed.
An on-site representative of Ferriero Engineering, Inc will be available during construction should you have any questions or concerns.
By law, the Contractor is required to call for utility markouts prior to the start of construction. However, you must notify my office or the contractor of any underground sprinkler system, underground electric dog fencing, or any other utility that may be unique to your property that may not be covered by the utility markouts, prior to the start of construction. Failure to notify my office or the contractor prior to the start of construction shall relieve the Borough of any liability to damage of such systems.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any immediate questions, please feel free to call my office at 908-879-6209 or the Mendham Borough Department of Public Works at 973-543-6535.
Very truly yours,
Paul W. Ferriero, PE