News & Announcements
Mendham is a “Dog Leash” town
Release Date: June 04, 2019
§ 73-8 Seizure and impoundment of dogs at large.
[Amended 10-1-1979 by Ord. No. 17-79; 3-6-1989 by Ord. No. 6-89; 11-21-1994 by Ord. No. 18-94]
No owner of a dog shall permit or suffer it to run at large in the Borough of Mendham at any time. Any dog or dogs, male or female, found running at large within the Borough of Mendham in violation of any provision of this article may be taken by a certified Animal Control Officer and driven or carried to any pound for such dogs established by the borough, and it shall be the duty of the keeper thereof to enter in a book to be kept by him or her for that purpose the record thereof and the time of bringing the same, respectively, and the name of the owner, if the name of the owner is known; and the owner or person claiming any such dog shall pay to the keeper of the pound a redemption fee according to the schedule set forth in Chapter 102, Fees.