News & Announcements
Botti Pavillion
I hope you can all excuse the delay in this being put up on the website. I had shoulder surgery in mid-January, and it has taken more out of me than I had planned for. Who knew typing with only my left hand would become an issue?
You will notice that excavation and construction on the new carriage house at Westfield has begun. This is a project that started years ago under the past Administration and was shepherded by Administrator, Rick Merkt. It began as a request from Mendham Borough residents, John and Jacelyn Botti, who wished to make a gift to our town. Together Rick and the Botti’s toured the town to find a project that they felt would provide a long-lasting benefit and fill a need for Mendham Borough.
Since the beginning of West Field being developed as a soccer hub it lacked a little essential -- restroom facilities. A port-o-john was placed there but the timing wasn’t always right for arrival and departure of the middle school soccer season, leaving visiting girls’ team without a place to privately refresh themselves after their long bumpy bus ride.
Much planning and thought has gone into this future facility, with input from our town engineer, Paul Ferriero. State requirements dictate that when a gift is made to a town the town can accept but is not in a position to dictate terms of the gift. In this case the Botti’s and their architect were very open to considering the look of this carriage house so that it fits in with our historic look. Inside of this charming building there will be a small covered patio area to the back of the building giving folks a chance to get out of the rain in an unexpected down pour. The center will offer a small kitchenette space with a lavatory on either side of it. Entry will be controlled with an electronic pass system to maintain access control and prevent vandalism. Access will be granted through our Recreation Department as a part of our Field Use Request system. The building will be maintained by our DPW.
We are extremely grateful to the Botti’s for their foresight and generous donation to this town they love and call home, Mendham Borough.