News & Announcements
Message from the Mayor
Dear Residents,
On Thursday night, September 24th at the special meeting of Mayor and Council, Council approved a motion to have Borough residents continue to manage their own trash collection. I spent many weeks working with our Administrator and team listening to residents and weighing out all of our options in an effort to find cost effective solutions for solid waste disposal. We entered this process knowing that bundling all of these services would provide us with the best chance to control rising costs, however what we found was that in bundling we could not provide for every service nuance our residents required. I recommended to Council that we put our focus on ways of delivering our existing services in the most cost effect method we are able.
Our internal team will renew our efforts to development new bid specifications to achieve the best service we can offer to our community. As a reminder, we are mandated by the state to provide some form of recycling. The rapidly rising costs of recycling have reached a point where we can no longer afford this service from our annual budget alone. Any new program we offer will likely require us to charge residents a fee to cover these costs. Every option will be considered which will include decreasing service in order to prevent us from having to charge our residents a high fee. In order to have continuity of recycling service as of January 1, 2021 we will be working quickly to complete this process in the coming weeks.
We will continue to communicate to our Mendham Borough residents as we move forward.
Sincerely yours,
Christine Serrano Glassner
Mayor, Mendham Borough