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Food Drive Contest to support the Dover Salvation Army
My name is Brendan Lewis and I am a freshman at Mendham High School.
With the help of my family, I have started a food drive to support the Dover Salvation Army. The cool thing about it this drive is that we are in a contest against Chatham. Chatham and Mendham have always been big rivals and I am hoping we can beat them this time by donating more food to the Salvation Army. All our lax teams lost every game to Chatham this year!! But we cannot let them beat us as we help feed people in need!
They are even promising to cover the contest in the town Observer Tribune!
All you have to do is click on this link and to purchase your donation. There is no driving and no hassle for anyone!! Even my out of town family members can donate! The website and the company do all the work for us!
Here is the link to the Contest Page –
Please donate any amount, small or large!! Chatham has already received over $600 worth of donations. The contest ends on June 21!!
Thanks so much and go Mendham!! I will let you know how we do!!
Brendan Lewis.
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