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Joint Public Meeting on School Feasibility Study Report
Release Date: March 28, 2016
For Immediate Release
March 28, 2016
Contact: Neil Henry 201-874-7436
Mendham Borough Council and School Board to Hold Joint Public Meeting on School Feasibility Study Report
Mendham Borough Mayor Neil Henry announced today that the Borough Council will conduct a joint public meeting with the Mendham Borough School Board at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 4, 2016, at the Garabrant Center, 4 Wilson Street in Mendham. The purposes are to discuss the School Feasibility Study Report prepared by Ross Haber Associates, to seek public input on school options laid out the report, and to determine Mendham’s preference as to the options.“Over the past two years, towns in the West Morris Regional School District have participated in funding a professional study of their schools to develop options for the future,” Henry commented, adding, “Now each participating town must determine what option best suits its needs, so the towns can reach a consensus on what comes next.”
Mayor Henry noted that the study’s author, Ross Haber, gave a public presentation last summer, summarizing the report’s findings and options.
“Fortunately, Mr. Haber’s summary of the School Feasibility Study report was recorded by Mendham TV,” said Henry, who continued, “His presentation is still available for viewing by area residents via computer on Mendham TV On Demand by entering and typing in ‘Haber’ in the Search box. ‘Education Restructuring Study’ will pop up and clicking on that will take you to the Feasibility Study Presentation from June 29, 2015.”
Mayor Henry noted that this meeting will not be another presentation on the findings, but rather a meeting for the Borough to reach a decision on what to do.
“There have been many presentations on this issue over the past two years, and the Borough Council has taken a leading role throughout this entire process,” observed Henry, who went on to declare, “The time has come for elected officials on the Mendham Board of Education and the Mendham Borough Council to join in reaching a public decision on how Mendham Borough wants to proceed based on the School Feasibility Study report, so we can all move on to other issues.”
The Mayor recommended that as many residents as possible take time to view the Ross Haber presentation beforehand to make the joint public meeting on April 4, 2016 most productive.
“The future of our public schools is an important question for everyone in Mendham Borough,” noted Henry. “Residents should understand each of the options examined in the Ross Haber report, so they can share their views as to which of the available options will be best for our Borough,” he observed.
Mayor Henry explained that the next step in the process requires Mendham Borough’s School Board and Borough Council to agree on which option the Borough endorses.
“Before the participating towns meet again, each must decide which option best meets its needs,” declared the Mayor, noting, “A key goal of the joint public meeting is for the School Board and Borough Council to agree on which option the Borough will endorse. If they are unable to agree as to what option to pursue, then Mendham Borough will be excluded from the next step of the decisional process.”
In closing, Mayor Henry urged Borough residents to get involved and attend the April 4, 2016 joint public meeting.
“I wish to emphasize how important public input is to making this effort successful,” stated Henry, who added, “All of the participating towns have invested time and money to discover what options are available to them in organizing public schools to deliver quality education at an affordable price, and it is, in my view, vital that Mendham Borough’s voice – and choice – be heard going forward.”